Assignment 4: Presentation

I did not present on the showcase, however, i was given the opportunity to watch the various presentations. A particularly well done presentation was that of Michelle's group on how to deal with workplace bullying. I felt that the team had good synergy and was able to work well together. A point of differentiation compared to other groups was that only the presenter is standing at the front of the podium, while the rest of the team is seated by the side. I feel that this is a good practice that is not commonly found in the local context, where usually the entire team will stand for the whole duration of  the presentation. I feel that this practice is good as the rest of the presenters do not distract the audience, and full attention is given to the current speaker.

The speakers in the team also made use of appropriate engagement with the audience to keep them focused. Michelle asked a rhetorical question and gave a suitable amount of time for the audience to consider the point that she wanted to get across. Shafique also asked the question of how many of us would do something when we see a bullying situation, provoking the thought process of the audience to reflect upon themselves.

A possible point of improvement is that each of the speaker may give a short recap of what the previous speaker's main points were as well as to give a preview of the next speaker's content.

I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations and have learnt many different points that I will apply for my next presentation. 


  1. It was good that you enjoyed the presentations! i'm sure you have learnt a lot of the various styles and acronyms that are applicable to your future career. Do keep and remember them so that you will be able to resolve such problems! Good job!


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